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The customer portal of Gebrüder Weiss.

myGW is your direct line to us. Order management, tracking of shipments, document management or requests of all kinds – myGW makes your everyday work easier.

Via myGW, you can access your relevant data at any time from anywhere: fast, transparent and simple. Through transparent communication processes and real-time information, we ensure end-to-end visibility in your supply chain. And all this combined in one portal. Login now and enjoy many advantages!

myGW Login

You do not have a login yet? 
Then get in touch with your local representative now.

Youtube Video

Track & Trace

Information about the status of your shipment in real time: myGW will show you the current status, location as well as the estimated time of arrival of your shipment.

  • Simple overview of your shipments
  • Real-time ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
  • Share Track & Trace status with third parties via a link

What our customers say

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What our customers say
myGW makes our work easier and increases the quality of communication immeasurably.
Tobias Seibold, Husqvarna Logistics GmbH

Need more information?